What Is Network Marketing?
What Your Friends & Family
Won't Tell You

What is network marketing?

It is the selling of goods and/or services directly to the public and recruiting a team, of which you earn a portion of their sales, to do it.

Network marketing is also known as multi-level marketing, MLM.

It is an economical way for you to build your dreams without spending your life’s savings.

MLM is a collective effort of many verses a all in-composing attempt by one.

Network marketing companies understand the value of word of mouth.

That is why, instead of a company spending thousands of dollars to advertise their product or service, they offer financial incentives to independent sales people to get the word out for them.

They understand that if people like something they are going to tell friends, family, and anyone who is willing to listen, about it.

And the whole premise behind what network marketing is, is that since you are going to promote a product and/or service anyway, why not get paid for doing it.

What is network marketing?

They understand that if you can get enough people talking about your product, you will sell more of that product.

It’s like owning a franchise without all the fees associated with a franchise however, you still receive all the financial benefits of having one.

Similar to owning a store, but without all the start up cost such as a storefront, employees, building permits, local and state licensing, and any other profit-munching fee that is associated with a traditional brick and mortar business.

All of the financial benefits but none of the financial risks.

In the corporate world:

  • a company produces a product, 
  • they mass advertise to the public, 
  • the pr firm takes that product and writes articles about the it, 
  • a media outlet picks up this articles and publishes them to a newspaper, magazine, or features it in a tv spot, 
  • the pr person deals with the public request for more information, 
  • the company gets traffic 
  • and people buy the product. 

(not necessarily in that order)

What is network marketing?

As a network marketing independent or an online company:

  • we generate our own traffic for people to purchase our products,
  • we produce information and/or a product, 
  • we write information or articles about our product or service,
  • we promote our goods through advertising or the media, 
  • we interact with our prospects through social media and social networking sites.

In essence, we are a subsidiary of a larger company that promotes a product or service on a local scale.

As a collective effort, the collaboration establishes and maintains the parent company as a whole.

Even though we are a smaller part of a larger organization, we must differentiate ourselves by establishing our own brand.

So, what is network marketing, again?

 It is a way for people like you and me to...

...Build Our Dreams By Building Our Brand.

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