Social Network Marketing,
Your Public Relations Activities

Social Network Marketing

Social network marketing is really what network marketing is today. It is about building relationships with the people that you come in contact with through online mediums. 

As a network marketer you should start to focus on developing 4 main skills to take advantage of this opportunity:

One, the ability to write good copy.

Copy-writing is simply your ability to write persuasively to get people to take action.

Once your skills in copy-writing are solid you can pretty much write your own check. I suggest you seek out some good courses on copy-writing that will allow you to hone your skills. 

 Two, good communication. 

You must be an effective communicator, whether it is on the phone or through the written word. Communication also requires the use of a 3rd skill that is vitally important when you are dealing with people and that is...

Three, the skill of listening.

It actually should be the 1st first skill that you should really hone in on and develop the most. Nothing can be accomplished with a prospect if you first don’t know what they want or are looking for.

You MUST develop your listening skills, which are extremely important to find out what your prospect really wants and once you know what they want you can tailor you “pitch” to their goals, not yours.

The fourth skill is how to use the internet to generate endless leads.  

The objective of this site is to direct prospects into your lead system by developing relationships with prospects through your brand of “”.

We do that through the use of social network marketing.

The way that we use public relations to gain publicity to build our brand.

Leads are the lifeblood of your business.

Without leads, you don't really have a business.

The more prospects you have an opportunity to communicate and develop relationships with, the more money that you will have a chance to make.

I say chance because you have to develop the 4 skills in order to convert prospects to have a highly profitable business.

Before I get into the importance of building a relationship through branding, let me first set the stage as to why branding in network marketing is vital….

Network marketing was initially started as a way to capitalize on the relationships that we already have with our friends and family.

These are the people that know, like, and trust us (or at least they act like they do).

You already have an ingrained value built by means of your interactions and experiences with them.

Initially, it is us and our relationship with them that they buy into, not so much the product or the opportunity that we push on them.

So why is it that people work this business as if the opposite were true?

How do you build a network marketing business based on relationships with people, you may ask?

By building value within yourself and offering that value to the people that are on your list through your developed skills of copy, communication, listening, and internet marketing for social network marketing to be effective.

What I mean by building value is; how can you help people to get what they want, how can you solve their problems, how can you make their lives better?

You can do this by offering them “” (where the ‘me’ is replaced by your name or your online persona).

What do I mean by “”?>>>> 

Related Article:

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