Online Network Marketing System,
Can't Have One Unless You Know Your Brand

Before we get to creating an online network marketing system, we must go even further into the brand discovery process.

We dig deeper by figuring out, through the process of elimination, what we are going to narrow our brand down to. 

But before we eliminate any possible course, we must first brainstorm and come up with choices from which to narrow from. 

Your online network marketing system must begin by figuring out what or who your brand is.

From the previous exercise we wrote down some answers to the questions found here. If you were a little unsure of how to answer several of them, these next questions may provide some assistance.

So, step one in getting started with building your brand is to know who you are, or what you want your brand to be.

What I mean by that is, you must discover:

  • What do you love to do? What are you passionate about?    
  • What are your interests? Do you love to help people, train people, teach people, work with people?
  • What would you love to be doing, whether you were paid to do it or not? What could you do day in and day out and not get tired of doing it?
  • What do you want to offer to the world? Do you want to give your time, money, advice, guidance, wisdom, experience, knowledge, talent?
  • What do you love to talk about? Do you love to talk politics, celebrity, world news, gossip, travel, money?
  • How do you love to help people? Do you love to help people financially, spiritually, emotionally, physically, educationally?
  • Who do you want to help? What people do you feel need your help? 
  • What are peoples main concerns that you relate to? Do you want to help the people who work a job to fire their boss, sickly people get healthy, fat people get skinny, skinny people gain weight, how to grow when you're short, how to shrink when you’re tall people. People with children, people without children, people with pets, people without pets, people who are angry, people who are too happy? Who do you see yourself helping?
  • What problems are/were you having and how did you solve them? Were you depressed now you are happy, were you poor now you are rich, were you ugly now you are pretty, were you up now your down, were you bad now you are good, were you good now you are bad, were you left now you are right?
  • How did you get better and how can someone else do what you did to get them to where you are? What was your journey? How did you get to where you are now?

You really have to answer these questions with a lot of thought and consideration and get real with yourself to answer them solicitously.

Next you want to know...>>>>

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