Online Network Marketing Business,
What Does Your Brand Have To Offer?

You cannot possibly know what your online network marketing business brand is if you have not thought about what your brand has to offer.

The questions that you must continue to discover answers to are:

  • Who do you want to work with? Are you a homeschooling mother wanting to work with other homeschooling mothers. Realtor looking for other Realtors, banker looking for other bankers, doctor looking for other doctors? Whom do you best relate to or would like to relate to, or think you relate to best? You want to find people who you can share similar stories with or those whose story you may know. Or, people who you can tell a story too and they can raise their hand and say “me too”. 
  • What do you know? In your experience as a (whatever your previous or current occupation is), what advice, tips, tricks, short cuts can you give to others that could help them in their pursuits? 
  • Where you or are you a success in your former or current position? What can you share with others about your successes? Your failures? Your experiences?
  • What problems have you solved in your life? What solution have you come up with? Do you know a short cut to a solution that others may need the answer to? 
  • What can your experience teach others? How did you overcome your obstacle that you faced? What was your saving grace?
  • Can you give a step by step plan to get where you are?Can others do it too? How? Can you give advice on life that says that they are going down the right path, or wrong path?  

Once you have discovered what it is that you have to offer, now let's look at your why you want to start an online network marketing business:

  • Why do you want to build a brand in the first place? What are you trying to accomplish? What would building a successful brand allow you to do? For some, this maybe the starting point of brand discovery. 

Sometimes, your why becomes where you start from if your why correlates to your passion which we discovered earlier in this process.

Once you have an idea about what your passions are, what information that you have to share, and why you want to share it, we can begin to formulate a plan of action.

The first step in this action plan is to know what people are searching for...>>>>

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