The Call that Leads Network Marketing Prospects into the Qualifying Stage

Next, you need to qualify your leads network marketing prospect.

Notice I didn't say, "You need to call and beg your prospects to join."

You should be calling your leads and qualifying them for your time. You only want to talk to people that are actually serious about changing their current situation. 

Leads Network Marketing

You're looking for people that have their hand raised, not people that are saying "what if."

You will make more money and save more time if you qualify everyone that comes through your pipeline.

You DON'T want to assume everyone that becomes a lead is a great prospect.

Some prospects will just be fishing around, others will be serious. You are looking for the prospects that are serious.

If you take the approach of everyone being a good prospect, you will waste valuable time and money. 

Be stern enough to let people go if they are looking to be convinced.

You are not in the convincing business, so only stay on the phone with people who are serious, not just curious.

You're simply looking for ideal prospects while you are qualifying and you only want to spend time on the phone with these ideal prospects.

So what is your ideal prospect?


  • they must be coach-able, 
  • have a strong desire to be successful, 
  • have a good positive energy, 
  • have the money to get started, 
  • and have the time to make it all happen.

So when you're qualifying prospects you could ask questions based on those characteristics.

For example...

  • How much money are you willing to spend in order to make ______ dollars every month?
  • How much time would you be willing to commit if you could reach _____ in income?

The most important aspect when talking to a prospect is to simply LISTEN.

By truly listening you will be able to key in and find their real reason "Why."

Once you find the reason why they are starting a home business, you can use it later in the closing phase. This can be very powerful so take note as you find it out.

Last, you need to get a decision from your leads.

This may be the most important part of the process. Because if you're not getting decisions out of people then how will anyone ever say yes?

Now, in this part you will mainly be talking to qualified leads. These are the people who have been through your system and have all the information they need to make an informed decision.

If you have done a good job of listening and qualifying, then most of these prospects will just have some questions before getting started.

If you start getting some objections, don't worry, objections are a sign that your prospect is truly considering the opportunity. 

Most people view objections as a bad thing, you shouldn't.

Don't get discouraged by objections. Remember, leads are a numbers game, the more you have, the more opportunity you have to convert them into customers.

And the better you get at communicating, the higher you close ratio will be.

That is why it is important to develop these next set of skills so it leads network marketing prospects down your marketing system...>>>>

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