Free Training for Network Marketing, Why Choose A New Niche

In this free training, you will begin the process of gaining publicity by taking what you know and love and turning that information into high-valued content.

You take this content and place it on your own unique website for a new category that you have created.  

But, before we create the information to get the publicity, we must create the category that we are going produce content for.

We must start by discovering our own unique niche or new category.

(unique niche and new category are interchangeable and I will use them as such)

Not only does this new category have to pioneer this new niche, your main goal is to occupy your prospects mind as being the leader in this new category first and foremost.

"You build brands by establishing a new category in the mind, then make sure your brand is the first brand to occupy that new category."-The Origin of Brands

A brand is nothing more than a perception in your prospect's mind. And we occupy our prospect's mind through public relations.

In the corporate world, public relations it what the media says or writes about you.

However, as an online business and/or personal brand, we are our own public relations firm.

We create the message that goes out into the public, not someone else.

It's this information that we produce and how we interact with our audience that establishes the occupation of our prospect's minds.

Our information that we place into the public allows us to become the expert and brand ourselves to this new category, that we have created, as the leader.

"You don't need someone else's permission to become successful."

-Dan Kennedy

You become the expert and leader in your own niche.

What is a niche?

Niche has several meanings relative to the context. If you are defining niche as a place in nature or ecology, it is defined as: 

...the role of an organism within its natural environment that determines its relations with other organisms and ensures its survival.

If we are defining niche in terms of business, it is defined as: 

...a position or activity that particularly suits somebody's talents and personality or that somebody can make his or her own.

Even though the two definitions are of different context, in this free training the basis from which they are derived is pretty much the same.

You can see how we could combine the two and generate a definition that provides an understanding of niche... network marketing terms: a natural position in which to work where you feel comfortable, making it your own, in an area that you love, and that you can relate to other similar people in order to ensure your success.

You want your niche as focused as a pair of bad eyes in prescription glasses. Your information should be so focused that you burn your niche in their minds through the information that you provide to them.

You don’t want any of your information lines to be blurred. When you are focused on your own category without deviating away from it, you allow people to see you and your information clearly.

They get to know who you are and what you offer and that is what creates and cements your brand in their minds.

When you specialize in a specific area, it is automatically assumed that you have a greater expertise in this area.

It is assumed that you have some sort of superior insight on such subject.

You become the authority by appointing yourself as “the one” in your own created category.

I want you to think about what position can you own or the position that you want to own in the mind of your prospects.

That should be you goal when you are devising what new category that you are going to create.

You want to own that position in their mind; I want you to think about owning that position.

What category can you own in your prospect’s mind?>>>>

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